Our Reports Include:
  Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the proposed water distribution Works for Mombasa south mainland Water supply distribution networks Lot 2b.
  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed Office block development on plot f.r. No. 320/173, Nyali, links road, Mombasa County.
  Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Project Report for the Proposed Water Distribution Medium Term Works for Mombasa South Mainland
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Comprehensive Project Report for the Proposed Lot 1 – Second Baricho-Kakuyuni Rising Main-
  Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP)-Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Designs, Tender Documents, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIA) and Construction Supervision of the Baricho Well-Field Protection Works
  Final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ( ESIA) Comprehensive Project Report-Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Designs, Tender Documents, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIA) and Construction Supervision of the Baricho Well-Field Protection Works Contract No.: KE-CWWDA-87234-CS-QCBS
  Feasibility Study, Preparation of Preliminary Designs, Detailed Designs, Safeguards Documents and Tender Documents and Construction, Supervision of Second Baricho – Kakuyuni Water Pipeline and Transmission Pipelines To Kilifi And Ganda Tanks
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Project Report For Consultancy Services for Preparation of Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) For North Mainland Pipelines, Mombasa County Works Carried Out Under CONTRACT: MOWI/KWSCRP-1/007/2016-2017
  Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Final Report For Mombasa North Mainland Pipelines, Mombasa County RFP No: MOWI/KWSCRP-1/007/2016-2017
  Resettlement Policy Framework WSDP
  Environmental and Social Management Framework WSDP - Final
  Preparation of Detailed Designs, Preliminary ESIA/RAP and Tender Documents for Water Distribution Works for Mombasa and 3WSPs
  ESIA Report Mombasa North Mainland Water Distribution Short Term Works
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of The Three (3) Replacement Boreholes at Baricho
  Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) For Drilling and Equipping of Three (3) Replacement Boreholes at Baricho Wellfield
  Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for Six Water Services Providers (Kwale, Tavevo, Kilifi, Malindi, Lamu and Tana River)-CWSB/WaSSIP/CS/05/2009-Detailed Design Report for Tana River (Hola)
  Consultancy Services for Preparation of Investment Plan and the associated feasibility Studies Part IX-Tana River WSP Area
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) project report for proposed Kinna water supply project under Northern Water Services Board
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) project report for proposed rehabilitation and extension of Korr water supply under Northern Water Services Board
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) project report for proposed Korondile water supply project under Northern Water Services Board
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Project report for Rehabilitation of Bura Irrigation scheme domestic water supply
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for Lot 1: Augmentation of Baricho Well field
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for Baricho Lot 1: Augmentation of Baricho Well field-
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Project Report for Baricho Immediate Works-Lot 3: Kakuyuni/Gongoni & Kakuyuni/Kilifi Interconnection Pipelines
  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report-Nyalani-Mwakijembe-Vigurungani-Bang’a water project phase I
  Review of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report
  Water Act 2016
  Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) : Water and Sanitation Development Project (WSDP)
  Water and Sanitation Development Program (WSDP) -Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
  Resettlement Action Plan Report-Nyalani-Mwakijembe-Vigurungani-Bang’a water project phase I
  Mombasa Final Field Surveys and Rap Report
  CWSB Service Charter 2014
  Extension of Mombasa Supply Water Works Report
  CWSB Strategic Plan (2013 - 2017)
  Coast Water Services Board Procurement Plan- World Bank Funded Water & Sanitation Service Improvement Project
  Resettlement Action Plan Report for Baricho Lot 1: Augmentation of Baricho Well Field